Scope of our work
HK Tax Filing
Filing of HK Tax Return
Profit Tax Return
Employer's Return
Individual Tax Return
Property Tax Return
Value Added Services
Compliance advice from skilled experts
HK Tax Clearance
To arrange on behalf of the employer
Update the Inland Revenue Debt (IRD)
Update the Immigration Debt
Update the MPF Service Provider
Update the Employee Compensation Services Provider
To arrange on behalf of the employee
Documents for Tax Clearance with the IRD
Update the MPF Service Provider
Arrange Declaration for Departure
Arrange bank-in of MPF Refund Cheque Value-added Services
Value-added Services
Compliance advice from skilled experts
Certificate of Residence Status
To process application with the HK Competent Authority
To act as the authorised representative in following up with the HK Government
Required completion of Personal Tax or Profits Tax before application
Value-added Services
Compliance advice from skilled experts
Investment as Entrepreneur Visa
Who's fit?
Those who wish to start operate a business in HK
Applicant's Requirements
Owner of business who plans to be stationed in HK to manage the business
Employment Visa
Who's fit?
Those foreign nationals who work in a HK registered company (GEP, ASMT & IANG are covered)
Applicant's Requirements
Get a position offer in HK that cannot be replaced by local labour force
Dependent Visa
Who's fit?
A spouse to reside & work in HK when the sponsor of a HK permanent resident or a resident who is not subject to a limit of stay, or who has been admitted to hk to take up employment or studies
Applicant's Requirements
For a sponsor who has been admitted into HK to take up employment or studies, his /her spouse and unmarried dependent under the age of 18 can join the sponsors for residence in HK
HK Permanent Residence
Who's fit?
Those foreign nationals who has entered HK with a valid travel document
Applicant's Requirements
The applicant has to be resided in HK for a continuous period of not less than 7 years and taken HK as his/her place of permanent residence before or after the establishment of HKSAR